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Business Days 2023

You want to develop your exports with the help of export specialists coming from 30 countries, please book appointments with the Trade Attachés working for the Brussels Region and meet with them face to face on 22 June at the Plaza Hotel.

matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners. 30 minutes run fast, but they are enough to build first connections before the meeting ends and the next talk starts.

To give everyone the opportunity to meet the Trade Attachés, it would be preferable that a company books only one appointment with the same Attaché in order to avoid redundancy in the meeting.

How does it work?

1. Registration

2. Publish a business profile to showcase your needs

3. Browse profiles of attendeed

4.Send and receive meeting requests

5. Matchmaking Event


  • intellectual property
  • Thursday 22 June 2023, 09:00 - 18:00 (CEST)
  • Brussels , Belgium

Practical information

Thursday 22 June 2023, 09:00 - 18:00 (CEST)
Plaza Hotel
Adolphe Maxlaan 118/126, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Register Here
